Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Kin Canada Bursaries for student with Financial Needs

Kin Canada Bursaries, a program of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund (HREF), awarded 52 deserving students with a $1,000 bursary for their 2017-18 school year. Successful applicants were chosen based on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada and financial need. Download the list of 2017 bursary recipients.
Since its inception in 1994, $978,000 has been awarded to 978 students across Canada. The amount disbursed in any one year depends on the balance of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund and its governing laws.
Kin Canada Clubs play a vital role in the Kin Canada Bursaries program. They make donations to grow the fund, which affects how many bursaries are awarded each year.

HREF History
Kin Canada established the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund in memory of Hal Rogers, Kin Canada's founder who passed away in 1994. The HREF Board of Trustees carry out the Fund's purpose to promote, encourage and sponsor educational programs and activities.

Deadline February 1, 2020

Burger King McLamore Scholarships

Created in memory of BURGER KING® Co-founder James “Jim” W. McLamore, the BURGER KING℠ Scholars program has awarded $32 million in scholarships to more than 30,000 high school students, BK® employees and their families across the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico since 2000. In 2017 alone, the Foundation awarded $3.5 million to more than 3,200 students in North America.
Scholarship grants range from $1,000 to $50,000 and are intended to help students offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected based on their grade point average (GPA), work experience, extracurricular activities and community service.

Deadline date: December 15, 2019

ProPrivacy $2000 Scohlarship

2019 October Essay Prompt aims to raise awareness amongst young people around the world about important privacy matters in this digital age. Twice per year, we will award $2,000 to the student who writes the best 500 - 1,000 word essay on the topic of privacy.
Must be a graduating high school senior or an undergraduate, graduate, or professional college student currently enrolled or planning to enroll at an accredited college or university.
With knowledge of social media targeting becoming mainstream, the world has been introduced to ‘micro-targeting’ – the practice of combining consumer data with demographic data to identify the specific interests of very small groups, or even in some cases, individuals.
Data mining and political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica came under intense scrutiny after the used this tactic to engineer elections. However, many firms of similar nature still exist and operating using much the same practices.
In 500 to 1,000 words, in your opinion, what are the risks of microtargeting? From targeting addictions to political ads?

JCCF Essay Contest Scholarship $1000

“There will be blood on all of our hands” were the words of London, Ont., Mayor Ed Holder at a city council meeting earlier this year, manifesting his desire to put an end to “Fake Homecoming” or “FOCO” — an unsanctioned annual street party tied to Western University. Mayor Holder wants Western to impose “extremely clear, extremely strong academic sanctions” on students who partake in dangerous or illegal behaviour at FOCO, even up to suspension or expulsion, by expanding the reach of its student code of conduct.
This is not the first time a university has been tempted to expand its student code to include off-campus behaviour at private events. In 2008, twin brothers Keith and Steven Pridgen were reprimanded under the University of Calgary’s student code for creating a Facebook group about their legal studies professor, a group entitled “I no longer fear Hell, I took a course with Aruna Mitra.” The university found the Pridgen brothers to be guilty of “non-academic misconduct,” placed them on probation for six months and accused them of defaming Mitra. Steven Pridgen had called Mitra “lazy,” and Keith Pridgen wrote a celebratory post after finding out Mitra wouldn’t be teaching again at the university. In the end, an Alberta judge ruled that the university had violated the Pridgens’ Charter right to free expression, notably declaring that “the University is not a Charter-free zone.”
In another case, Masuma Khan, a student executive at Dalhousie University who in late 2017 was accused of discrimination for posting anti-white remarks on her personal Facebook page. The posts prompted the university to open a disciplinary investigation, though Dalhousie ultimately bowed to public pressure and reversed this decision.
Other universities believe that off-campus student behaviour at private events unaffiliated with the school, is not within the jurisdiction of the university. In 2011, a University of British Columbia (UBC) student was caught on video at the infamous Vancouver Stanley Cup riot stealing two pairs of pants from a formalwear store. After being named and shamed on social media, many called on UBC to expel her. The university however, declined to expel her or to impose any disciplinary action, stating it was leaving the consequences of her looting to the police and the courts.
The question for the JCCF’s 2019 Essay Contest is:
Should universities police student behaviour at private events?


1st – $2,000
2nd – $1,000
3rd – $500


This contest is open to students enrolled at a Canadian post-secondary institution as of September 15, 2019.

Length, format, and evaluation criteria

The essay must include no more than 2,500 words, and should be submitted in PDF or Word format using the form below, or emailed to Judges will be drawn from among the members of the JCCF’s Advisory Council, Board of Directors and legal network. The quality of the writing, and persuasiveness of argument, will be the central criteria considered by the judges.


Deadline Extended – Essays must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday, November 14, 2019.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

LiveBright Scholarship $2000

The LiveBright Scholarship Program is back! If you’re an ambitious, driven and savvy student, we’re looking for you. Tell us why financial literacy is important in your life and apply for our LiveBright Scholarship Program. 

The award

  • 5 x $2,000 scholarships (one-time award) 

The application 

  1. Complete PDFthe application form and include a copy of transcripts from your most recent academic year 
  2. Get creative! What’s your best advice when it comes to managing your money? Tell us in 500 words or less and include it with your application. A one-minute video explaining your insights is also encouraged but optional, and can be emailed to
  3. Send your entire application in one package to: Sun Life Global Investments Marketing, 227 King St. S., Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4C5, Suncode: 302B36, attn. Meghan Knowles. 


Applicants must be: 
  • Residents of Canada between the ages of 16 to 25 or entering first year. 
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational technical school or equivalent post-secondary school for the entire upcoming academic year. 
  •  Children of Sun Life Financial employees, field management, or financial advisors are not eligible to apply. 


Scholarships will be awarded based on: 
  1. Leadership and participation in school and community activities  
  2. Past academic performance  
  3. Work experience  
  4. Desire to pursue a career in business, the investment industry, or financial planning 
  5. Awards 


The deadline to submit completed applications is October 31, 2019. 

The Bradon Walli $1000 Scholarship

The Brandon Walli "Phones Down, Eyes Up" Memorial Scholarship is open to students graduating in 2020 who are pursuing a post-secondary education in music and the arts. Geotab is proudly hosting this scholarship in Brandon Walli's name for students who show the same love of music and art that Brandon possessed. Brandon Walli tragically lost his life at the age of 23 while crossing the road in 2016.

Brandon and his father Tom Walli shared a passion for music, and so this scholarship is a continuation of that, hopefully bringing enrichment and joy into the lives of others through music, as it did for them. 

Who should apply:

High school students graduating in 2020 who are focusing on Arts, Creative Arts, or Music in their secondary school studies.
We are looking for students who also have community and volunteer experience.
To apply:

Please complete the application form.

Apply at :

Friday, October 11, 2019

TD Scholarship for Community Leadership $70,000

Image result for td scholarship for community leadership 2019

TD is committed to opening doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow and creating conditions so everyone has a chance to succeed with confidence in a Changing world. TD Scholarships are offered to students who like TD help support change, nuture progress, and contribute to making the world a better place.

What is it?
The TD Scholarship for Community Leadership awards students up to $70,000 for college or university (up to $10,000 for tuition per year, $7,500 a year for living expenses) for 4 years. It’s open to students across Canada who:
  • Have demonstrated community leadership
  • Are in final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec)
  • Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year
That’s me! I want to apply!
If this is something you’re excited about, then you should look out for applications starting in September. But here is the general process:
1. Write a 600-word essay (three copies) describing your community leadership experience.
  • Why you got involved
  • How your involvement shows initiative and innovation
  • The ways your efforts have strengthened others
  • How long you have been involved
  • What you think the long-term impact will be
  • How your community has affected you
2. Tell us about the other great things you’re doing. Include a brief description of the range of your other community activities with:
  • A letter of recommendation from your school
  • Two letters of support from community groups 
  • Your academic transcript
3. If you’re really trying to impress, you also have the option of including:
  • A 250-word essay (three copies) describing your family and personal life, for example your family’s employment or economic situation
  • A 250-word essay about your life experiences if you have taken a year or more away from high school or CEGEP.

Deadline November 15, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MENSA Canada $2000 Scholarship

Please read the following instructions and the FAQ carefully. Every year, approximately 25% of all applicants are disqualified for failing to meet one or more of the criteria, such as the deadline (January 31st), the maximum length (250 words), or for identifying themselves in the essay.
If you have a question about the competition that wasn't answered in the rules or the FAQ, then please send us an e-mail, and we'll do our best to answer it for you.


  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants enrolled in a full-time program at a Canadian post-secondary institution, accredited by the applicable provincial Ministry of Education, during the 2019 - 2020 academic year.
  • A full-time program is defined by consecutive Fall and Winter semesters.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old on January 31, 2020.
  • Awards are based on applicant's essay.
  • Essays may be written either in English or in French. Only one essay is accepted per applicant.
  • Only the finalists will be contacted, by phone or other means according to the information supplied in their application. Finalists will be required to provide official proof of enrollment and sign a written consent form indicating that the essay is entirely his or her own work and to allow the Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme's designated agents to use their name, photograph for publicity purposes. They may also be asked to provide proof of Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status and up to two letters of reference.
  • Application deadline is January 31, 2020. The results of the competition will be announced in mid-September, 2020.
  • The Mensa Canada Scholarship Program includes one or more scholarships of $2000, and may also include Honourable Mentions, all of which are awarded in accordance with the dictates of the Board of Directors of the MCSP, as funding permits.
  • Any claims made in the essay are subject to verification, including but not limited to: patents, publications, academic standings, and medical procedures.
  • The decision of the judges is final.

How To Apply

  • Write an essay describing your career goals in 250 words or less.
  • Save your essay in TXT or RTF format under the title "Essay".
  • Your essay should describe specific goals (academic, vocational or career). It should contain explicit ideas and information.
  • Indicate the course of study and the post secondary institution which you are attending in the 2019 - 2020 academic year.
  • Describe any steps you have taken, relevant experience gained (e.g., paid or volunteer jobs, classes, honours, offices, organizations) and any difficulties you have overcome in pursuit of your goal. State the steps by which you intend to achieve your goal.
  • The essay text must not contain any form of the author's identity.
  • Your e-mail must contain only your personal information and the attached file must contain only your essay. The e-mails and the attached files will be numbered and separated. The essays will be judged anonymously.
  • Applications must be sent by e-mail as indicated in the instructions on the Submit Essay page. Those received by any other means (e. g. links to web pages, by post or by fax) will be disqualified.
  • Please do not submit your essay more than once, or e-mail the judges to ask if they have received your essay. Unless you receive a "Mail Undeliverable" e-mail reply within 2-3 minutes, then your essay has been submitted successfully.
  • Deadline for submitting your essay is January 31, 2020.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Student Profiles Due November 15

Hello Grads!

I hope that you have started on your student profiles. Please make sure you hand in a student profile no later than November 15. You can come and get them from me in room 303 at any point during the year to update it but I need them so I can start finding some specific scholarship for our students.
If you did not get a student profile, please come and get one from my room 303 or online under "student", "scholarships".

Any questions, feel free to contact me

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Scholarship $500

The energy industry has always lived with one foot in the present and the other in the future. With many major projects—power plants, dams, pipelines—having development times measured in decades, success depends upon anticipating the needs of companies and countries in the years ahead.
We look forward to seeing what the next great minds bring to this ever-transforming industry, and want to do our part in assisting those great minds achieve their goals and dreams. This is why Energy Rates is offering a $500 scholarship to any student enrolled in an American or Canadian post-secondary educational institution. Whether you need to pay for your classes or textbooks, or just to put food on the table this semester, it’s yours to do with as you please. All you have to do to be considered for the scholarship is write an essay, no more than 500 words in length, telling us where you see the future of the energy industry.

Scholarship Essay Prompt

You can talk about anything you want—green energy, oil politics, the continued use of nuclear power, your personal ideas and innovations—so long as it’s about energy in the world of tomorrow. What do you think people will be reading about in the news in a few years?

Past Winners

Technical Details

  • The deadline for entry submission is January 31, 2020. Any submissions submitted after 11:59 PM MST on January 31st will not be eligible for consideration.
  • Essays must be submitted in one of the following document formats: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX), Rich Text File (RTF), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
  • Please use a standard, easily read font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, etc.
  • To submit your entry, please use the submission form below. All fields must be filled in–name, email address, and current address. Do NOT forget to attach your essay to your submission.

EnergyRates.Ca Scholarship Entry Rules and Requirements

Please note, failure to meet all of the requirements listed below may result in disqualification.
  1. Applicants must be enrolled in an American or Canadian post-secondary educational institution, or planning to enroll in such an institution within the following calendar year.
  2. The subject of the essay must fall within the parameters described above.
  3. The essay must be written in English or French, and have a length of no more than 500 words (not including title, applicant name, etc).
  4. The scholarship funds must be used for some education-related expense, such as tuition, books, school fees, room and board, etc.
  5. The winner of the scholarship grants EnergyRates.Ca non-exclusive publication rights to their essay, so that we can feature their winning essay on our scholarship site.
  6. EnergyRates.Ca reserves the right to select a panel of judges and scoring methodology at its own discretion.