Tuesday, December 3, 2019

SCWIST Scholarships for STEM!


Youth scholarships are given by SCWIST in two cycles.
  • Cycle 1: November. This covers all programming from November 1, 2019 to May 1, 2020.
  • Cycle 2: May. This covers all programming from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
Note: There is a slight overlap so as to increase the number of applications. Winners will be asked to provide a photo, sign a media release form, and  produce a brief article at the end of their program for the SCWIST newsletter.

Youth Leadership Award

Number of awards: 1 for each cycle
Value of each award: $1000
Fascinated by science? Want a chance to excite others about science? This award is for female students in grade 10-12 for projects that require approximately 60 hours (or two weeks) worth of work. You will create a project of your own to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We are looking for innovative projects that make use of a variety of skills such as writing, fine arts, dance, and theatre. Think YouTube videos about science or card games that explore different science careers. The successful candidate will receive a $250 honorarium for supplies to start the project and the remaining $750 honorarium upon completion of the project.
Deadline (for Cycle 1): December 22, 2019
Application: Attach a brief (max. 200 words) biography and a description of your project proposal. Submit your application via http://bit.ly/scwist-YLA
You will receive an email from msinfinity@scwist.ca and/or director-leadership@scwist.ca to confirm it was received.

Youth Skills Development Scholarship

Number of awards: 3 for Cycle 1; 4 for Cycle 2
Value of award: $500
The Youth Skills Development Scholarship was established to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday! Through this scholarship, SCWIST hopes to foster 150 years of innovation and excellence in Canada. The scholarship is open to girls (age 16-21) who have participated in Quantum Leaps Conferences or eMentoring and is awarded to cover costs of professional development. The scholarship can be used to cover costs of attending Science Fair or participating in science-related camps or courses. This $500 scholarship must be put towards the cost of professional development of equal or greater value, this includes associated costs or attendance. If students are applying for funding for a program that they have not yet been accepted to, their award is contingent on them being accepted (at which point the money will be distributed).
Deadline (for Cycle 1): December 22, 2019
Application: Attach a brief (max. 200 words) biography and a description of your project proposal. Submit your application via http://bit.ly/scwist-YSKS
You will receive an email from msinfinity@scwist.ca and/or director-leadership@scwist.ca to confirm it was received.

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